OSP @ Princesse!
Since the early days, OSP has changed form over and over, from asking simple questions right through to organizing week-long workshops to share answers its members have found.
There have been a fair amount of turning points in the past, and some of the biggest ones have happened over the last few years. The Variable residency was certainly an interesting step, it brought in means to extend and collaborate in an environment that called for growth on the personal and group level. The three years in Variable were key in making OSP what it is today, but not only OSP, all of the Constant research experiments have taken from the shared house and gone forth.
Variable went out on a big bang with Relearn 2014 but all good things come to an end. We were all extremely happy, and we left with as many plans as questions for what the next steps would be. Even before leaving Variable, we knew of the forthcoming F-LAT project and other ideas regarding the maintenance of the Brussels (whatever that means) FLOSS network of people. It’s going to be yet another exciting year!
For OSP, it was clear that we enjoyed the idea of a studio space and wanted to follow up on that, so after a few weeks of searching we found a perfect fit in the old Hackbase.be working space. Hackbase is still moving into a new directions, but thanks to them, we’re equally happy with the space and its history (and its unremovable shelves filled with old computer gear from all eras!). OSP has a new home.
There certainly is still a lot of work to do there, but we’re very happy. The added bonus is that it’s only a few streets away from the re-purposed Variable building, so we’re not too nostalgic.
The caravan is also in the process of setting up its own fully fledged legal structure (in its own name) as a non profit organisation, or ASBL as they say in French. As soon as we’re up and running, we’ll have you all over for a studio-warming (even though we can’t, at this point guarantee the room temperature) party, Loop events, and any other reason too!
Av. Princesse Elisabeth 46
Schaerbeek Brussels